Per questo motivo quando mi è stato chiesto se volevo parlare (e provare) i prodotti Bubble&Co ho accettato con entusiasmo anche se io mi occupo principalmente di sfornare torte e manicaretti; in più quando ho scoperto che il brand ha creato anche una linea per la detersione apposta per i nostri amici a 4 zampe allora è stato subito amore. Ma a convincermi definitivamente è stato il packaging, così particolare, allegro e curato nei disegni originali; non trovate anche voi?
Formule semplici, naturali, 100% bio e rigorosamente Made
in Italy ecco il segreto di Bubble&Co che oltre alla linea BubbleBaby, specifica per la pelle delicata dei più piccoli ha creato BubbleFamily, la linea di prodotti beauty dedicati al benessere della
pelle di tutta la famiglia e BioFido shampoo e balsamo per cani e gatti.
Anche la pelle degli adulti, come quella dei bambini, ha
bisogno di coccole e attenzioni per stare bene. Con quest’obiettivo Bubble&CO ha creato BubbleFamily, la linea di prodotti beauty 100% bio dedicati a tutta la famiglia. Pochi ma essenziali, per rispondere alle esigenze
specifiche di ogni giorno, con un occhio di riguardo anche all’ambiente. In
linea con la filosofia del brand “Bubble is
where nature lives”.
Della linea Bubble&Co per la famiglia ci sono il Bagnodoccia, l’irrinunciabile
coccola di fine giornata, per un momento di relax a base di estratti vegetali e di
provitamina B5; la CremaLatte che rinfresca e idrata la pelle restituendole morbidezza ed elasticità grazie al suo contenuto di vitamina A, Pantenolo e un complesso di estratti vegetali.
E ancora il Sapone liquido che aiuta a rinforzare e a mantenere le difese naturali della pelle. Con vitamina A ed E, oltre a un complesso di estratti vegetali, svolge anche un’azione lenitiva ed emolliente, rispettando il PH della pelle e delle mucose e l'irresistibile Acqua Profumata BubbleNight, dolce e rinfrescante priva di ftalati e coloranti e molecole sintetiche; si spruzza sia sugli indumenti che sulla pelle.
Ma ci sono anche il Sapone Intimo delicato a base di malva, ribes, mirtillo nero e camomilla che svolge un'azione lenitiva, protettiva ed emolliente; il Docciashampoo, perfetto
sia per il corpo che per i capelli e l'Igienizzante
Idratante mani, la specialità studiata per igienizzare e idratare
contemporaneamente le mani. Antisettico e idratante, basta versarne qualche goccia sui palmi delle mani e
strofinare fino a completo assorbimento, adatto anche ai bambini.
PH Love.Life.Lunch. 2017 tutti i diritti riservati
Post in collaborazione con Bubble&Co tramite invio di prodotti
The skin of adults and children need cuddles and attentions to stay healthy. With this aim, Bubble&Co has created BubbleFamily, a line of beauty products, 100% bio for the whole family. Few but essentials products to answer to the everyday specifics needs, with an eye to safeguard the environment that is the philosophy of the brand: “Bubble is where nature lives”.
From the line Bubble&Co for the family there are the Shower gel, fundamental cuddle at the end of a day, for a moment of relax with vegetable extract and pro vitamin B5; the Crema Latte a body cream that refreshes and hydrates the skin giving back the softness and the elasticity thanks to the vitamin A, Panthenol and a complex of vegetable extracts.
The liquid soap that helps to reinforce and maintain the natural defenses of the skin. With vitamin A and E, a complex of vegetable extracts, has a calming and soothing effect that respect the PH of the skin; the Acqua Profumata (perfume) BubbleNight, sweet and refresh with no phthalate, colorants and synthetic molecule; you can spray it on your clothes or on your skin.
There are also the Feminine Hygiene Product with mauve, currant, blueberry and chamomile that has a soothing, protective and emollient action; the Shower shampoo, perfect for the body and the hair and the Sanitizing and Hydrating for hands, perfect for sanitize and hydrate the hands. It is antiseptic and hydrating: you need only few drops on the palms of your hands and rub until it completely absorb, perfect also for the children.
She is CicaBu my parent’s dog, a foundling French bulldog very very lucky. A lot of you that follow me on Instagram know her because they saw her running with her stuffed animals, she is the star of my account. For the occasion she was a model and tests the line BioFido by Bubble&Co: after the shower she smells so good and as a result, her fur was glossy and soft.
We are what we eat; yes but we also are what we put on our face and on our skin. Wear chemically dyed clothes that exploit low cost labor, rub on our skin creams or use makeup with INCI that as first ingredient contain petroleum that is the same as eat rubbish food.
For this reason when this company asks me if I want to try and talk about the Bubble&co products, I accepted with enthusiasm even if I mostly take out the oven cakes and delicacies; also when I found out that this brand has also created a line for our pets, this was love. The packaging is unique, cheerful and well- finished with original drawings.
Easy formulas, natural, 100% bio and rigorously Made in Italy that is the secret of Bubble&Co that, in addition to the BubbleBaby line perfect for the delicate skin of our babies, there are also the BubbleFamily, the line dedicated to the well-being of the skin for all the family and BioFido shampoo and conditioner for dogs and cats.
We are what we eat; yes but we also are what we put on our face and on our skin. Wear chemically dyed clothes that exploit low cost labor, rub on our skin creams or use makeup with INCI that as first ingredient contain petroleum that is the same as eat rubbish food.
For this reason when this company asks me if I want to try and talk about the Bubble&co products, I accepted with enthusiasm even if I mostly take out the oven cakes and delicacies; also when I found out that this brand has also created a line for our pets, this was love. The packaging is unique, cheerful and well- finished with original drawings.
Easy formulas, natural, 100% bio and rigorously Made in Italy that is the secret of Bubble&Co that, in addition to the BubbleBaby line perfect for the delicate skin of our babies, there are also the BubbleFamily, the line dedicated to the well-being of the skin for all the family and BioFido shampoo and conditioner for dogs and cats.
The skin of adults and children need cuddles and attentions to stay healthy. With this aim, Bubble&Co has created BubbleFamily, a line of beauty products, 100% bio for the whole family. Few but essentials products to answer to the everyday specifics needs, with an eye to safeguard the environment that is the philosophy of the brand: “Bubble is where nature lives”.
From the line Bubble&Co for the family there are the Shower gel, fundamental cuddle at the end of a day, for a moment of relax with vegetable extract and pro vitamin B5; the Crema Latte a body cream that refreshes and hydrates the skin giving back the softness and the elasticity thanks to the vitamin A, Panthenol and a complex of vegetable extracts.
The liquid soap that helps to reinforce and maintain the natural defenses of the skin. With vitamin A and E, a complex of vegetable extracts, has a calming and soothing effect that respect the PH of the skin; the Acqua Profumata (perfume) BubbleNight, sweet and refresh with no phthalate, colorants and synthetic molecule; you can spray it on your clothes or on your skin.
There are also the Feminine Hygiene Product with mauve, currant, blueberry and chamomile that has a soothing, protective and emollient action; the Shower shampoo, perfect for the body and the hair and the Sanitizing and Hydrating for hands, perfect for sanitize and hydrate the hands. It is antiseptic and hydrating: you need only few drops on the palms of your hands and rub until it completely absorb, perfect also for the children.
She is CicaBu my parent’s dog, a foundling French bulldog very very lucky. A lot of you that follow me on Instagram know her because they saw her running with her stuffed animals, she is the star of my account. For the occasion she was a model and tests the line BioFido by Bubble&Co: after the shower she smells so good and as a result, her fur was glossy and soft.
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